What we do


Delivering innovation in secutiry, data protection, and digital workspace solutions

Datashield are not a reseller in the way you would think of a traditional reseller. Neither are Datashield a distributor or a vendor. Datashield provide a unique and hybrid approach to all of these. We provide consultancy-led engagements that enable our customers to deploy leading edge, innovative solutions for securing and protecting data coupled with delivering that data to end users via digital workspace solutions.

Security and Data Protection Solutions

Datashield focus on delivering leading edge innovative security and data protection solutions. We have an experienced team of specialist consultants that are here to help you eliminate the risk of cyberattacks and breaches, advising you on how navigate the complexity security solutions. We look at, and understand the issues first hand from a customers perspective, providing advice and guidance on the best way forward. 

Digital Workspace Solutions

With Datashield helping secure and protect information and data, you can enable end users to access that data to stay productive and drive your organisations business forward. You can now rest easy safe in the knowledge knowing that your end users are fully protected and can work safely without worry. Not only that we design and integrate digital workspace solutions enabling users to work the way they want to.


Providing security solutions and digital workspace solutions is one thing, but integrating them is another. Not only that, integrating them seemlessly into customer environments is a whole new level. Datashield bring together security experts and digital workspace consultants, all under one roof. This approach enables Datashield deliver solutions with end-to-end integration designed around the customer.